Maroubra Music

We use traditional methods but also very modern systems, and when appropriate we use our AVSS and / or band simulator to enhance learning.
Our proprietary AVSS system is used to coach students in NSW schools where it is called The Rockumation System - noting it is equally used to teach classical and jazz components as well as rock and pop. It was used successfully in over 50 schools and by more than 2000 students.
The AVSS is an engaging visual music education system to reinforce music learning and make practice fun, clear and easy to understand. It was developed by emulating the jazz method of passing down the music directly, where a teacher would play and have the student watch and follow and play themselves. This method in most cases is more appropriate for children, and indeed adults, than a written note system because the music is taught directly with sound and vision, rather than needing to learn written music first, or to interpret any written note in order to play it. This is more like learning a spoken language.
This means even very young children who can't yet read can use the AVSS. Playing along with the AVSS tells the student in an instant if they are playing the wrong notes or out of time.
Consider these 3 key points
1) It is well known that young musicians benefit by playing with other more experienced musicians.
Most young music students play in school with other music students who are not likely to be professional. Our teachers are very educated and very experienced, and to further simulate a full band we use our band simulator where students get to work in a simulated professional environment so they learn what it's like to play with skilled practitioners in a real band setting.
2) The two most important and central perception skills for a musician are rhythm and pitch.
Consider how language works. Kids who hear their native language spoken can reproduce it with a perfect accent. Rhythm and pitch are the same - kids who don't hear what they are meant to play accurately won't be able to reproduce those sounds. Because the simulator system is accurately timed and pitched, students develop the these two central skills, accurate timing and pitching, and can reproduce these sounds/concepts with high accuracy.
3) Musicians should learn theory, harmony and reading
These aspects tend to be the most tedious for new students who just want to play, so where we can we learn them while playing in a simulated band that turns the study into a song. It is fun and makes the lesson flow while they bop along with great jazz, funk, classical and Latin beats, navigating through all 12 major and minor keys, playing their scales and triads, and all the while learning the key agendas of rhythm and pitch. This engaging system makes study fun, focussed, clear and easy to understand.
Parents commenting on the AVSS / band simulator / Rockumations
Hi Blake, too efficient. Many thanks for your time. Just wanted to say the keyboard and videos are a hit. This is an excellent system. Have a great weekend, Deena
Thanks, Blake, Elke really enjoyed today. Great learning video. Small sand, big tree. I've got it! She loves the keyboard, playing it non-stop and we have done the last exercise you sent. She is really responding to this method of teaching. Cheers and have a good weekend. Kylie.